For over 40 years the Jesus Film Project has been reaching the unreached who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. But now many more may hear the gospel in their heart language through the over 2000 languages available. As we trust God to reach the most Gospel-scarce countries, God is using the internet to share His story in unparalleled ways.

          In December the Jesus Film digital strategies field team launched an 11-day outreach in a Muslim background country. Over 11 days contextual ads were used on social media (Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram) to engage Muslims in 3 different cities who are open to learning about Jesus. What God did was absolutely amazing!

          Over 11 days 1.5 million people viewed digital ads about Jesus. 1,423 people initiated personal conversations with a missionary on the JFP digital strategies field team and the Gospel was shared with each person in a culturally sensitive way. 57 people trusted Christ and entered into online discipleship. One of the new believers shared “I am grateful to learn about Jesus’ sacrifice for the 3 things I feared most: shame, sin, and death.”

Not only did 57 trust Christ, but 25 met with a local church pastor or local believers in their cities within a week of believing in Christ. These 25 new believers, shortly after becoming Christians, celebrated their first Christmas with a local body of believers!

Praise God with us! Even though borders are closed, missionaries cannot enter many of these locations, and local believers are persecuted, God is at work! He is providing the digital tools to engage those seeking Christ, and to disciple new believers. He also has raised up partners on the ground to follow up on new believers and invite them into local churches. Even in a Muslim-dominated country, God has men and women seeking Him!


1) Many tens of millions of Muslims have now seen the Jesus Film through TV showings over Easter! Pray for God’s blessing on new believers from both TV and digital outreaches and that many will choose to be discipled.

2) Pray for our Texas and SoCal visits with our partners (Apr 20-29 in TX, May 23 to June 12 in CA). Additional funds are needed to cover increased medical expenses.

3) Pray that God raises up more new staff applicants for this fall.

Where Light Penetrates into the Darkness