“And He who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’” Rev 21:5. I have always appreciated this characteristic of the Lord, that He is always making things new. We get stuck, we wish things would change, but He knows this about us and is doing new things to bring changes and growth to our lives. He also brings changes in ministry like this story from one of our staff.
Recently on a training trip to the Holy Land, he taught a group of 20 recent converts to Christianity from another faith how to lead Obedience Based Bible Studies for young converts.
One woman among the excited trainees said, “I led 5 ladies to the Lord last year after they were working in my house but I did not follow up with them or disciple them or teach them because they were too afraid to go to a church and I did not know what to do with them.” After the training she said, “I am going back to find those ladies, I know where they stay. I can now start a small group of Obedience Based Bible Studies that I learned at the training.” She further said, “I now know that I can also play a huge role in discipling people even if they cannot come to a church building.”

New Things in the New Year