We would like to share some happenings from the North Myrtle Beach (NMB) summer mission in South Carolina.

This summer, at North Myrtle Beach, three college men from different universities grew closer to God while learning to share their faith with others. Hudson, Josh, and Alex experienced rich times of discipleship with their group leader, Cru staff member Jordan. They also had fruitful gospel interactions with many beach-goers, such as Lincoln.

A rising high school senior from Ohio, Lincoln, as it turns out, had been exploring Christianity throughout the past year. Initially he seemed apprehensive, but Lincoln soon warmed up to the Cru students. He was talking with them for over an hour and eventually put his trust in Jesus. In a follow up text, Lincoln said: “It was great meeting you guys. It definitely wasn’t a coincidence. God knew I was straying and I’m sure he sent you two to help me and answer questions. It made my day that you did that. I love what you’re doing and I hope you reach out and save more people. Thank you so much!”

Altogether NMB Summer Mission had 2880 conversations about faith background and beliefs, shared the gospel 805 times, and helped 266 people—including Lincoln— say yes to Jesus. Meanwhile, Hudson, Josh, and Alex, along with all the other NMB Cru students, are returning to campus better equipped to lead their fellow students in Bible study, prayer, evangelism, and following Jesus.

Last year, we wrote about Tienna and Yujin, 2 interns who Rochelle coached to prepare them to come to Cru Headquarters here in Orlando for 1 year. We are excited to share the news that Yujin returned home to South Korea and became an intern with South Korea CCC and Tienna came back for a second year of internship but this time with the Unto humanitarian outreach ministry! Praise the Lord!

Prayer Requests

  • 1) Pray for Steve as he travels to Indianapolis Sept 10-12 to help train HR workers in serving our staff. Then he goes to Vermont  Sept. 16-20 for a conference with national HR leaders for the Campus Ministry to plan for this school year.
  • 2) Rochelle and Steve will visit partners and family in California Sept 21 to Oct 2. Please pray for good visits and safe travels. We hope to see you who live in SoCal!
  • 3) Please pray for our 27 new missionaries who are joining staff this month as they get trained and prepare to raise their funds and start their new adventures of faith!
  • 4) We would appreciate prayer for our ministries leading Men’s and Women’s discipleship groups with our church.
  • 5) Please continue to pray for Rochelle’s Japanese disciples, Sachiko and Fumiyo, who are now leading discipleship groups of their own using the Love UnVeiled materials.
Students on Mission

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