Today I (Steve) am traveling back from OC in SoCal, having spent a little over a week visiting family and supporters and our home church. Wow, what a wonderful time. It’s amazing to me how so many familiar people and places and details give me this feeling of being home. Even though I don’t live in California anymore! There is still this great sense of belonging. And not everyone gets to feel that way and I know that and if anything it makes this sense even more precious.

It was a fruitful week in terms of renewing relationships and meeting new people, networking and some special gifts.  Some are considering monthly giving, so I have some followup work to do from the week.

I had a great time visiting with my son Andy.  I am so proud of him!  He’s managing well with school, outreach to Japanese, work, friends.  He is still in an apartment in Azusa while commuting to classes at Cal Poly Pomona where he is studying Physics, looking to be a high school teacher one day.  He plans on a mission trip to Japan during August where he will translate for an English camp outreach team with a church in Nagano prefecture.

So today I travel home to OC Florida, a little warmer and loving family waiting there.  Home is a good place.

From Orange County to Orange County